Tired of just killing monsters and talking to NPCs? Well, now you can kill monsters, talk to NPCs, AND get cool skills! This guide will teach you how to apply skills to any RPG (and why you should).
Oh man, so many good memories come to mind as soon as I’m typing the word “Runescape”. I remember coming home back from school just to turn on my PC and log into Runescape (RS) and waking up early on Saturdays just to play my favorite online game while wearing pajamas all day.
Its amazing music made me feel immersed, the memorable graphics, the quests I completed, the friends I made, the cows I killed and the ores I mined, made me what I am today.
When I discovered D&D, my world changed, again. After having played roleplaying games for many years, I wanted to expand my knowledge and be able to create homebrew content: new bosses, new enemies, new skills!
And RS inspired me. A lot.
And this, my friends, is the story of how I’m using Runescape to spice up my campaigns and add more great content to any roleplaying game!
Adding Runescape skills into D&D
Runescape is very similar to D&D in the way that you accomplish certain tasks, train, gain XP and level up. You get more items, kill harder bosses and get kinda rich.
However, to be able to “finish” your character’s development, you have a plethora of skills to master from level 1 to 99 and you train them by doing certain quests or just by using them. For example, to gain XP in the Fishing skill you have to, well… go fishing.
I’d like to talk about some of the RS skills that I’ve personally added to my D&D campaigns. My players love that aspect because they love RS and they love adding more variety to the game and skills to develop.
Why should I bother adding skills?
This is a very important addition to RPGs because it can open many different possibilities and encourages better roleplaying. There are many reasons YOU SHOULD add skills, like:
- A new way to boost creativity at the table
- Opens up new roleplaying, personality and background opportunities for players
- Adds more stuff to do besides “talking” and “fighting”
- Adds more uses to the tools used in the PHB
- Provides a different way to get XP and level up
- It’s an easier way to get magic items
How to learn and level up skills
There’s no need to “learn” skills, since they are very simple, as long as you have the minimum stats required, you’re ready to go.
To level up a skill you only need to train it by following what each skill below says. These are only guidelines and every DM has total authority to change or adjust everything.
To balance-out things, you can only “use” your skill once a day (i.e. You can only try to mine once a day, fish once a day, etc.)
Whenever you level up a skill, your XP becomes 0 (zero).
Acquiring level 5 on a skill is very difficult to do. It’s totally up to the DM to have the characters gain or develop passive abilities or benefits, but it’s recommended for roleplaying purposes. I don’t want Skills to be a “moneymaking” method, that’s why I set up low selling values and high requirements; you can change this if you want to.
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5 Runescape Skills That Best Fit RPGs
1. Mining
Allows you to obtain ores from rocks.
Some sessions ago when Elendir asked Farin (Dwarven blacksmith) if he could reforge a broken magical sword that he inherited from his step-father, I knew I had to add some kind of difficulty.
Farin said: “Of course, but ye’ have to bring me some materials ye’ know? To make a sword like that, I’ll need 3 mithril ores, and I bet ye’ can only find them in Khazad-dûm… deep inside the mines of Moria.”
- At least 10 STR
- Pick, miner’s (2gp – PHB page 150)
- Backpack (2gp – PHB page 150) or any big container that makes sense
Ores (by level):
You can mine any ore (assuming you find where it’s located), however, having a higher level will increase the quantity of ores you obtain. Some of the ores and their values:
- Copper/Tin – Sold for 1cp each
- Silver – Sold for 1sp each
- Steel/Gold – Sold for 1gp each
- Mithril – Sold for 10gp each (like magic items, it’s hard to sell)
- Adamant – Sold for 20gp each (like magic items, it’s hard to sell)
- 1d2 ores obtained
- 1d4 ores obtained
- 1d6 ores obtained
- 1d8 ores obtained
- 1d10 ores obtained
Mining Process:
- Find the ore you’d like to mine
- If you have the required mining level, you roll the dice according to your level
- The amount of XP you get is equal to the number of ores you mined + your current mining level
Mining Level:
- 0 XP required
- 10 XP required
- 20 XP required
- 50 XP required
- 100 XP required
Level 5 Unlocks:
- Gains advantage when rolling Insight to detect if metal coins or jewelry are fake
- Obtains access to Mining Guilds and/or knows where other important/big mines are located
- NPCs who love to mine (or Dwarves) are friendlier with that character
2. Smithing
Allows you to smelt ores into armor and weapons.
Even though Elendir found some mithril ores, the job wasn’t comepletly done yet. He had to take them back to Farin, in order to smith the desired sword.
Weapons and armors require Steel or Gold ores to be smithed. However, using better ores can make better items.
Smithing weapons using Silver will make a “silvered” weapon (effective against undead).
Smithing armor using Mithril will make it “Mithral Armor” (DMG page 182) and using Adamant will make it a +1 armor.
- At least 12 STR and 10 CON
- Steel/Gold Ores
- Smith’s tools (20gp – PHB page 154)
- Hammer, sledge (2gp – PHB page 150)
Weapons (by level):
- 1d4 damage melee metal weapons – require 2 ores
- 1d6 damage melee metal weapons – require 6 ores
- 1d8 damage melee metal weapons – require 10 ores
- 1d10 damage melee metal weapons – 15 ores
- Any metal melee weapon – require 20 ores
Armors (by level):
- Shield – requires 3 ores
- Chain shirt, Ring mail – require 5 ores
- Scale mail, Chain mail – require 10 ores
- Breastplate, Splint – require 30 ores
- Half plate, Plate – require 50 ores
Smithing Process:
- Go to a blacksmith (any place that has a furnace and an anvil can work)
- If you have the required smithing level, you get the item and consume the ores
- You get XP equal to 1d4 + your smithing level
Smithing Level:
- 0 XP required
- 10 XP required
- 20 XP required
- 30 XP required
- 50 XP required
Level 5 Unlocks:
- Character gains Feat: Weapon Master (PHB page 170)
- Can repair any broken weapon for half the ore it costs to make
- NPCs who love to smith (like Dwarves) are friendlier with that character
3. Herblore
Allows you to make potions.
Herbalists know how to mix and match plants and are usually connected with nature. Although they’ve learned a lot, they still can make mistakes. Vials and natural resources are essential for herbalists.
- At least 12 INT and 12 WIS
- Designated pouch (5sp – PHB page 150) or any small container to hold foraged items
- Foraged items (Monster parts or natural objects – pass a Nature check, roll 1d4 to determine quantity found)
- Alchemist’s supplies (50gp – PHB page 154)
- A water source (when making the potion)
Herbalism Kit (5gp – PHB page 154) is optional but recommended (gives bonus to Nature checks when foraging herbs).
Potions (by level):
All potions require 1 vial of water to be created, the vial can be refilled after using it.
- Level 1:
- Potion of Climbing – DC 5 + 3 vines (Nature check DC 11)
- Level 2:
- Potion of Animal Friendship – DC 6 + 2 animal parts (hair, teeth, etc.)
- Potion of Healing – DC 14 + half vial of animal blood
- Level 3:
- Potion of Water Breathing – DC 9 + 2 fishes or 2 marine objects (Nature check DC 14)
- Potion of Fire Breath – DC 10 + 2 copper ores + 1 tinder
- Potion of Mind Reading – DC 11 + 1 white lily (Nature check DC 16)
- Potion of Resistance – DC 13 + 2 steel ores
- Potion of Greater Healing – DC 16 + half vial of humanoid blood
- Level 4:
- Potion of Gaseous Form – DC 15 + 2 ashes (burnt wood or any burnt material drops 1 ash)
- Potion of Invulnerability – DC 16 + 1 adamant ore
- Potion of Superior Healing – DC 18 + half vial of a big creature’s blood (troll, giant, etc)
- Level 5:
- Potion of Flying – DC 19 + 3 feathers
- Potion of Invisibility – DC 19 + 1 ash + 2 animal eyes (Nature check 17)
- Potion of Supreme Healing – DC 20 + half vial of a dragon’s blood (dragon, wyvern, etc.)
For potions, check DMG page 187-188.
Herbalism Process:
- Get 1 Vial or Flask per potion (if you have Poisoner’s Kit you get unlimited Vials, you can’t sell them)
- If you have the required herblore level and all the materials needed, you roll 1d20 + your herblore level, if you pass the requirement, you create 1 Potion.
- You get XP equal to 1d4 + your herblore level (if you fail to make a potion you gain 1d4-1 XP instead, and you lose all the materials)
Herblore Level:
- 0 XP required
- 10 XP required
- 20 XP required
- 30 XP required
- 50 XP required
Level 5 Unlocks:
- Character gains Feat: Healer (PHB page 167)
- Can make 2 potions each day
- Wizards, Sorcerers and Rangers are friendlier with that character
4. Crafting
Allows you to create items made of wood, leather or hide armor.
Crafting ammunition using Silver will make a “silvered” ammo (effective against undead).
Crafting ammunition using Adamant will make it +1 although, they won’t count as magical weapons.
- At least 12 DEX and 10 INT
- Weaver’s tools (1gp – PHB page 154) is needed to craft Armor
- Leatherworker’s tools (5gp – PHB page 154) is needed to craft armor
- Hides are needed to craft armor (obtained by skinning animals, DEX DC 10 to get 1 Hide)
- Woodcarver’s tools (1gp – PHB page 154) is needed to craft weapons
- Handaxe (5gp – PHB page 149) is needed to craft weapons
- Wood is needed to craft weapons (obtained by woodcutting any tree, STR DC 10, get 1d4 logs)
Armor (by level):
- Simple cloth items (Cloaks, Blankets, Clothes, etc) – no requirements
- Padded – require 2 hides
- Leather, Hide – require 5 hides
- Studded leather – require 5 hides + 2 ores
- Any non-metal armor +1 – require double the normal requirements
Weapons (by level):
- 20 ammunition – require 1 wood + 1 ore
- 1d6 damage ranged weapons – require 1 wood + 2 ores
- 1d8 damage ranged weapons – require 1 wood + 5 ores
- 1d10 damage ranged weapons – require 1 wood + 10 ores
- Can repair any ranged weapon for half the ores it costs to craft
Crafting Process:
- Get required materials
- If you have the required crafting level, you get the item and consume the requirements
- You get XP equal to 1d4 + your crafting level
Crafting Level:
- 0 XP required
- 10 XP required
- 30 XP required
- 50 XP required
- 100 XP required
Level 5 Unlocks:
- Character gains Feat: Skilled (PHB page 170)
- Can cut gems to increase their monetary value by (1d8-1) percent
- Can remove gems from any object, without damaging them
- Druids, Elves and Half-Elves are friendlier with that character
5. Fishing
Allows you to catch fish.
«“Fish,” he said softly, aloud, “I’ll stay with you until I am dead.”» ― Ernest Hemingway, The Old Man and the Sea
Fish is a high-protein, low-fat food that provides a range of health benefits. In RPGs, you can gain buffs and/or heal when you eat it (if you don’t turn it into rations). Some fishes are harder to sell (like sharks) but can be used to make exotic dishes that boost certain stats (DM’s discretion).
Fish can be sold AND eaten ONLY if it’s still fresh (the same day it was caught). However, smart players could use freezing spells to keep the fish fresh. The price is to be determined by the DM, the number of rations it generates can be used as an equivalence for price setting.
- At least 10 STR and 10 WIS
- Fishing tackle (1gp – PHB page 150)
- Cook’s utensils (1gp – PHB page 154)
- Basket, Bucket, Backpack or any big container that makes sense
- Bait (bugs can be used as bait, require DC 10 Survival/Nature check to obtain)
Fish (by level):
- Sardine (seashore) / Trout (river) – Equals 1 ration each, heals 1d2 HP
- Salmon (river) / Tuna (seashore) – Equals 2 rations each, heals 1d4 HP
- Swordfish (deep sea) – Equals 3 rations each, heals 1d6 HP
- Monkfish (deep sea) – Equals 5 rations each, heals 1d8 HP
- Shark (deep sea) – Equals 10 rations each, heals 1d10 HP
Fishing Process:
- Go to the location where the fish is and succeed at finding bait by rolling a Nature or Survival check DC 10
- If you have the required fishing level, you get 1d4 (+ your fishing level) fishes
- You get XP equal to the number of fishes caught
Fishing Level:
- 0 XP required
- 10 XP required
- 20 XP required
- 50 XP required
- 70 XP required
Level 5 Unlocks:
- Character gains Feat: Keen Mind (PHB page 167)
- Gains advantage when rolling to detect if food/drinks are poisoned/rotten
- Obtains access to Fishing Guilds and/or knows where other important/big lakes, rivers and sea are located
- NPCs who love to fish (or Merchants) are friendlier with that character
Wow! So far this is my longest article. I hope you find this useful and can implement it to your game. Don’t forget to tweak whatever you think is necessary and fits your campaign.
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If you like it, please leave me a comment! I’m open to C&C! Enjoy the content and make your campaign great again.

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